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    Selected Commentaries

    Remember, all Biblical Reference Books are in a special reference section on the second floor.


    Anchor Bible Commentaries: BS 192.2 A1 :The scholarly Anchor Bible ranges from horror to heaven. The series still awaits completion and some early editions have been revised or replaced.

    Hermeneia: BS 491.2 H4 : The highly acclaimed series, "a critical and historical commentary to the Bible", published by Fortress Press, is a most beautiful example of the printer's art and caries some excellent editions.  Some of the authors in the series represent European Biblical criticism, often translations, so the series will not always be appreciated by conservative students.

    Interpretation: shelved on second floor by Bible book : a Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching, is another commentary series that began life over 20 years ago and has continued in publication through till today. 

    Sacra Pagina: BS 2341.2 S23 : is an interesting series of commentaries, produced by Liturgical Press. The series is a product of Roman Catholic scholarship.

    Tyndale Bible Commentaries: BS 1151.2 T9 : excellent for the lay student, being both simple and sound. The series aims at sound exposition that moves the text toward contemporary relevance and application.

    Word Biblical Commentary: BS491.2 W67: The Word Biblical Commentary delivers the best in biblical scholarship, from the leading scholars of our day who share a commitment to Scripture as divine revelation. This series emphasizes a thorough analysis of textual, linguistic, structural, and theological evidence.

    Books- General

    These are the general subject headings and where the books are located. The call numbers are the same in the Religion Reference Section and in the circulating collection. Also, the PA's and PJ's are located in the Religion Reference Section. Remember, reference books cannot be checked out.

    BL - Religion, Mythology, Rationalism

    BM - Judaism

    BP - Islam. Bahaism. Theosophy, etc.

    BQ - Buddhism

    BR - Christianity

    BS - Bible (commentaries, dictionaries, versions)

    BT - Doctrinal theology

    BV - Practical theology

    BX - Christian denominations

           BX4684- Butler's Lives of the Saints

    BX8699- Nazarene

    PA 880's- Greek Dictionaries and Lexicons

    PJ 4000's- Hebrew Dictionaries