What Are Open Textbooks?Information about open textbooks prepared by Student PIRGs (Public Interest Research Groups)
OER Resource List
OER CommonsSimilar to MERLOT it offers all types of learning materials, but it is not exclusive to higher education.
MERLOTProvides access to curated online learning and support materials and content creation tools, led by an international community of educators, learners and researchers.
OpenStax College TextbooksProvides access to dozens of textbooks with an emphasis on large enrollment courses. A part of Rice University.
Open Textbook LibraryA catalog of open access textbooks to be reviewed by faculty members, made available by the University of Minnesota's College of Education and Human Development. All textbooks in this catalog are openly licenses, complete, and available in print at very little cost.
SUNY OER ServicesIncludes offering a ready-to-adopt course catalog, facilitating the seamless integration of openly-licensed content into learning management systems, the remixing of openly-licensed content from various sources, the offline (print) production of learning materials