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    How to Search for Books


    Please note: While not required, for best results, patrons and staff should log in prior to searching and requesting. 

    1. Enter search term(s)
    2. Limit your search (optional)
      • Use   to select a search type - default is Keyword
      • Use    to select which network(s) to search - default is All
    3. Press ‘Enter’ or click  to view search results screen


    Figure 1 - Commonwealth Catalog Home Page


    Note: The search results screen may flash while search results are being retrieved from each network.

     4. Search results are clustered by title. Titles with multiple formats or editions are grouped together (figure 2)

    Hover the mouse over a cover to view Action Buttons.
    • Request This Item - if there is only one version of the item in the cluster.  This takes the patron directly to a request form.
    • View Details - if there is more than one version of the item in the cluster.  This takes the patron to a list of items to choose from.



    5. Locate the title you want and click an Action Button, or click on the cover itself to view more availability details.


     Figure 2 - Search Results Screen

    6. If the title has multiple formats or editions you will see a list (figure 3).  If there is only one item you will see detailed information for that item (figure 4).

    7. Click the Request This Item button to place a request or click on the cover image in the list to view detailed information about a specific item


    Figure 3 - A title with multiple formats or editions.

    Figure 4 - detailed item information

    What is Commonwealth Catalog

    Nease Library is part of the OCLN library network, but if you can't find what you are looking for in the network, Commonwealth Catalog gives you the ability to check for books in libraries and library networks across Massachusetts, and have them sent to campus!

    Requesting Books

    Patron Requesting

    Before you can place a request you will be asked to enter login credentials (figure 5):

    • Select your library
    • Patrons can select their library by scrolling through the drop-down list or by typing the library name or code in the box.
    • Library field will auto-fill as the user types 

    Note: The library selected upon the patron’s first login will be permanently set as their “home” or “default” library for future logins and pick up locations for requests.

    2. Your library card number is your complete student ID

    3. Pin (OCLN is the default)


    Figure 5 - Login Screen


    4. After logging in, the ILL request page is displayed (figure 6). Confirm request information is correct and click the ‘Submit’ button

    • If an email or phone number does not pre-populate in the form, enter the information manually.