Instructional and Professional Development (IPD)

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  • Workshops and Conferences

    Guidelines for Allocating IPD Funds

    Workshops and Conferences


    Eastern Nazarene College is committed to encouraging beneficial professional and instructional development for each faculty member. To the extent possible, ENC will help support faculty requests for development activities that enhance the individual’s scholarly expertise, improve the quality of instruction and/or enhance the reputation of the college.


    The following general guidelines and priorities will be used in considering requests:


    1.      To be eligible for funding you must be a voting member of the faculty as defined in the faculty manual or a full-time coach.


    2.      The department recognizes the activity as a priority.


    3.      The following information is required and will be provided by submitting the appropriate form:

    a.       A paragraph clearly staring the purpose for the activity and the benefits relative to instruction, scholarship, professional development, service to the broader college community, and/or ENC visibility;

    b.      Information on level of program participation (attendee, presenter, officer, discussion leader);

    c.       Itemized anticipated expenses and potential/requested resources.


    4.      Faculty will be expected to submit a Conference/Workshop report form after the event that summarizes the value of the opportunity.


    5.      Priority will be given to

    a.       full-time teaching faculty

    b.      those presenting at a conference or workshop

    c.       those requesting for the first time in that academic year

    d.      those requests best in support of departmental or college initiatives

    e.       those requests that reflect the broadest impact on the campus community


    6.      Total funding given to an individual will be generally limited to $1500 per academic year.


    7.      Bringing an expert on campus to provide Professional/Instructional development for several faculty will also be considered for funding under these guidelines.


    8.      Funding requests will be reviewed and decided upon by the IPD Committee on a monthly basis, except during the summer.


    The College will fund Instructional requests, as they are received, when they comply with the above guidelines and until the fund allocation is exhausted. Faculty are encouraged to submit their request for funds sufficiently early so that the request can be reviewed by the IPD committee in advance of the event. It is understood that opportunities for professional and instructional development sometimes occur with relatively short notice. Therefore, requests for funds must be submitted no later than 30 days after the activity has occurred. In all cases, however, requests must be made within the fiscal year (July 1 – June 30) in which the activity occurred.

    Eastern Nazarene College

    Application for Instructional and Professional Development Funds

    Conferences and Workshops



    1. Complete the application form and sign and date it.
    2. Obtain the signature of the department chair.
    3. Submit the completed application form to the chair of the IPD committee.
    4. Priority will be given to
      • full-time teaching faculty
      • those presenting at a conference or workshop
      • those requesting for the first time in that academic year
      • those requests best in support of departmental or college initiatives
      • those request that reflect the broadest impact on the campus community
    5. The IPD committee will evaluate the application according to the following criteria:

    ·         Will the activity enhance the faculty member’s professional ability?

    ·         Will the activity improve the faculty member’s teaching-related skills?

    ·         Will the activity have a direct impact on the department, faculty, students, campus community?

    ·         Will the activity be useful in curriculum development?

    ·         Will the request enhance the visibility and reputation of the college?

    ·         Are the funds to be used efficiently (location, travel costs, # nights, reasonable hotel)?

    1. You will be notified in writing of the amount of funding approved.
    2. Within 30 days after the conclusion of the conference, submit the Expense report and Conference/Workshop report form.
    3. You can be reimbursed only for amounts for which you have receipts (up to the maximum funding awarded). If submitting for mileage reimbursement, you should keep a record of your personal automobile mileage and provide distance information on the form.


    After the Conference

    1. Complete a Conference/Workshop report form that covers the following:

    a.       Briefly summarize the conference, including the most valuable information you learned.

    b.      Indicate how participation in the conference will enhance your job performance and enable you to serve the college better.

    1. If you heard an outstanding presentation and you would like to recommend the presenter or speaker for a college activity, include a brief description of the presentation and provide the person’s name and contact number or address.
    2. If you discovered other valuable resources for the college, include a description and source of the resource.
    3. Complete an expense report and attach your receipts.
    4. Submit your report, receipts, and forms to your Department Chair. The Chair will forward the expense report to the Dean’s Office and the Conference/Workshop report form to the chair of the IPD committee.

    IPD Forms

    Please complete the application form either as a Word doc or a PDF and return to Linda Scott, the IPD chair.